tisdag 31 december 2013

last session for 2013.

Today 30 dec i sailed the last event for this year.
Wind was from SSW, approx 8 m/s. During december the wtaer level have been quit high in Torkelstorp making the water choppy, even at low wind speeds.

Air temp today +6 degrees.
Used my winter suite RipCurl flash bomb 6/5/4 mm and also the shoe from Rip Curl 7 mm.
Only the fingers in the beginning get cold, but after a while it is OK (semi open glow).
This was my 4:th session in december this year. Quit windy december with winds from S and SW.

I sailed on CA sp63 + NS Warp F2012 8,6 m2 and mXr Ufo weed 30 cm fine.

söndag 22 december 2013

Torkelstorp 19 december 2013.

Still warm in the air and windy conditions in december.
Went for surfing in Torkelstorp on saterday 21 december.
+7 degrees air temp.
Wind from SW, dropping and some choppy water.

I took CA sp53 and NS Warp 7,8 m2 and mXr ufo weed fin 26.

Erik Larsson also joined.

Wind dropped to much and the choppy water made it difficult to get some speeds, but still nice to surf.

måndag 4 november 2013

Torkelstorp 3 novermber 2013.

Wind from south, 10-12 m/s.
Very choppy water conditions.
Difficult to get good speed.

I sailed on CA sp53 and NS Warp f2012 7,8 m2.
Topp speed 32,8 kn.
Average 31,7 kn (5x10 s).

Still ok water and air temperatures.

onsdag 30 oktober 2013

King of the Fjord 26 october 2013.

Saterday 26 october we had the last King of the Fjord (KoF) race, 8:th race, for this year 2013.

The forecast this saterday was great, wind complete during the day, but...
The wind started to dropp already after 11:00. I got out on the water just after 11:00.

Wind was from SW, 8-10 m/s.
I got only one "good" 250 m run before the wind started to drop.

I started on sp53 and 7,8 m2 but changed later on to sp63.

The winner this day was Daniel E.A. G.
I ended on 4:th place.
And total KoF 2013 i ended on 5:th place.

lördag 28 september 2013

SM i Speed 21-22 sept in Klagshamn.

Two days speed sailing was scheduled this weekend in september in Klagshamn Malmö.
But the wind was to week. No sailing on saterrday.
Sunday, we hoped that the prognosis should be good but DMI prognos was not the best.
We tested some heats at 10:30, but the water level stared to sink and it become to dangerous to sail among the pins and plastic pounds (stone indicators).
In the afternoon we moved out the start gate to a safer area.
Wind picked up a littlebit, 8 m/s.
2 heats.
I saild on sp63 and 8,6 m2 but in the last heat i saild on sp53 and 7,8 m2.
I got 2x10 s runs OK.

BQ was the champion this event.
I ended on 8:th place.

onsdag 21 augusti 2013

Torkelstorp 18 aug 2013.

We had King of the Fjord, 5:th competition, on this day.

Wind prognosis was good, 10-14 m/s and S wind.
Started in a control way but the wind picked up and the condition got very bumpy.

I started with SP53 and sail 7,8 m2 but changed later to 7,0 m2.

I didnt get fully control in the chop so the speed results was not so good for me.
Ended on the 9:th place (top 6 not possible for me to match).


söndag 11 augusti 2013

Surfing in Torkelstorp 9 & 11 aug.

The weather was great this friday but the wind was weak, between 6-8 m/s from west.
I sailed with CA sp63 and NS warp F2012 8,6 m2.

I got one run with top speed 32,63 kn and on 10 s 31,52 kn.

The 11 aug betetr conditions.
32,18 kn in average and 33,9 kn on top speed.

                                          9 aug.

                                            11 aug.

onsdag 24 juli 2013

Surfing at Torkelstorp 16 july 2013.

Nice day for some vindsurfing.
Wind was moderate from W, 7-10 m/s.
I sailed with Carbo nart Speed 63 and North Sails Warp F2012 7,8 m2.
mXr ufo weed speed 28 fin.

söndag 30 juni 2013

35 kn limit 29 june.

At last, i passed the 35 kn today in Torkelstorp.
The wind was in the beginning SW but after a heavy rain the wind changed over to W and picked up,
10-14 m/s.
I sailed with CA sp53 and NS Warp 7,8 m2 and mxr UFO weed fin 26.

I did 35,36 kn in top speed.

måndag 15 april 2013

First session in 2013.

On sundat 14:th april the surf premier was done in Torkelstorp, home spot.
Wind from SSE, approx 8-10 m/s. Air temp 12°C. Not cold, i used a open glove.
Water level was very low and made it very scary to sail over the reef.
We had to stop before the reef to save our fins.

This made it difficult to get speed tracks.

I sailed with CA 63 and NS Warp F2012 7,8 m2.