måndag 28 november 2011

Berit, the 27:th november storm.

1:st advent, 27 nov, the storm Berit paid a visit to the west coat shoreline.
I went to our local surf spot Torkelstorp early in the morning before the wind was catching up to much speed.
Sailed between 10-12 (with breaks in between). I used my JP slalom/race board, 69 liters, and NP RS Race 5,8 m2 sail. Wind was from W/SW and gusty, 14-19 m/s at that time.
Choppy water conditions made it very difficult to speed.
I had only max speed 31 kt.

In the afternoon wind picked up more and more.
In the evening out at Nidingen the average wind was 24 m/s with peaks up to 36 m/s.

torsdag 3 november 2011

Surfing Torkelstorp 30 oktober 2011.

On this sunday we had our last "King of the Fjord" event, race #4, and the last run for 2011.
Wind was between 7-8 m/s, started from S and later turned to SW.
Air temperature 11°C and grey sky.
Approx 10 competitors from our surf club TTVK was in the race.
BQ have reported the outcome and overal results for 2011.
I ended up on 5:th place overal 2011.
Last hour i used the GoPro HD camera and tryed to filmed as many TTVK as possible but i missed BQ/Johan/Hofmann & Ingemar.
                                           Photo on Daniel S-38.

                                                  Film (can take a minute before upload).